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Issue 7 of the journal, dated September/October 2020, addresses the subject of education for all, a crucial challenge in today's world. Millions of children around the world are still excluded from the school system today. For this issue, we have chosen to give the floor to the Education For All Network in Africa (REPTA), an organization that has set itself the goal of networking numerous initiatives to fight against school exclusion in West Africa, the region of the world with the greatest number of difficulties.

REPTA tries with limited means to unlock imagination and cooperation to get off the beaten track and help Africans emerge a school system that meets their aspirations and their culture.

As REPTA's educational project reminds us: The mother of all reforms is education for virtuous economic development, a development of critical thinking. An educated population will also allow for a better controlled and desired birth rate, to be better equipped to deal with health problems, to avoid the traps of obscurantism, and ultimately to aim for and live in a world at peace".

An exceptional issue for all those interested in education and international cooperation.

Have a good reading!


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