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01 cover 10

In this issue, from a variety of perspectives, we attempt to analyze how cooperative and solidarity-based approaches are helping to shape new health solutions as the world confronts the Covid pandemic.

  • Dominique Solazzi, a doctor in Vienna, France, tells the story of his efforts to create a local community of health actors at the time of the arrival of the pandemic;

  • David Bull, tells how the United Kingdom reacted, as usual, with calm and determination;

  • The saluteglobale.it team, with Carlo Cerini, Benederra Armocida, Beatrice Formenti, present their initiative to promote the right to health for all; they bring us information on Covid-19 in Africa;

  • Faride Boureima Karimou, a blogger from Niger, reports on initiatives taken by young people to fight the pandemic;

  • Hector Carrer, explains how Argentina is reacting and preparing to face the economic consequences of the crisis;

  • Biorn Maybury-Lewis provides an enlightening political analysis of the situation in the United States, without a doubt the example not to be followed if we want to limit the health and economic damage of the pandemic;

  • Dominique Bénard analyses the conditions that would allow the cooperative movement to make a decisive contribution in the field of health;

  • Michel Seyrat, gives us a new episode in the "Solexos" series illustrating the role played by young people in making containment more humane;

  • Finally, Eduardo Missoni, a doctor and teacher of global medicine, gives us an account of his experience and his vision of the pandemic.

Have a good reading!


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