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An exceptional 120-page issue on conflict, war and peace. Conflicts are often seen as negative events to be avoided, an obstacle to cooperative approaches. Nothing could be further from the truth. Conflicts are inevitable, they are part of life. Without conflict no societal progress would be possible. It is in the interest of a democratic society to allow a confrontation of contradictory visions, solutions and projects in order to bring out the best possible compromise and the one that will be supported by the widest possible membership.

The interest of cooperative approaches is to allow an optimal management of conflicts in order to avoid hatred and violence.

To build this issue, we started from the current situation: the Russian aggression in Ukraine. We gave the floor to direct witnesses, both Russian and Ukrainian. We tried to analyze the roots and causes of the conflict. Then we listened to those who advocate the development of a culture of peace in opposition to those who advocate the cult of violence and weapons. Finally, we offer a methodological dossier on conflict management.

Enjoy your reading!


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Ca 14 eng

Taille : 4.44 Mo


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